The video may be stored in MPEG-2 format
(standard for movie quality video and audio), which is very high quality, but
direct streaming of MPEG-2 video requires a variable rate of from 4 to 10
Mbit/s. Such rates would be incompatible with many of the network connections,
so the first inclination might be to transcode this information down to a rate
that is commensurate with all, or a majority of, the network links.
The video compression method of choice to
do this might be H.263, which offers a wide range of rates and frame sizes, and
is widely supported. The result of the transcoding, however, would be that we
would have a least common denominator encoding, so that even those users with
higher rate network connections would be forced to accept the quality produced
for the low-rate users.
One approach to working around the lowest
common denominator limitation would be to use a layered coder with
multicasting. That is, you would choose a video coder that allows multiple
compression rates that can be obtained by incrementally improving the base
Coders that have this capability are
sometimes said to be scalable. MPEG-2 has several scalability options,
including signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), spatial, and frame rate scalability. One
or more of these options could be used and combined with multicasting to create
(say) three multicast groups.
The first group would be the baseline coded
layer, and the other two would use scalability to create incremental
improvements in output quality as users join the remaining two multicast
groups. There might be another good reason to use multicast in this
application. Specifically, if the desired number of viewers is large, unicast
transmissions to each of them could flood various links in the network.
Another approach to establishing
interoperability between networks would be to transcode at network gateways.
There are three disadvantages usually cited for transcoding: (1) complexity,
(2) delay, and (3) added distortion.
For video streaming, because it is one way,
delay is not a serious concern. Complexity would be an issue at some network
interfaces, and in those cases, the streamed video might not be transcoded,
thus yielding degraded network performance and poor delivered video quality.
If complexity does not preclude
transcoding, then the remaining issue is the distortion added during the
transcoding process. Of course, transcoding to a lower rate will yield lower
quality, smaller frame size, and/or slower frame rate, so it is key to add as
little additional distortion as possible.
This implies that we would prefer to not
completely decode back to video and then re-encode the video at a lower rate
(notice that this has implications in terms of complexity and delay, too). We
would add less distortion if we could directly map the encoded stream, or at
least the decoded parameters, directly into a lower-rate-coded version. As you
can imagine, there are numerous possible options corresponding to any given
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